Reforestation of the Mtsatsminda Plateau has begun


The first stage of reforestation process of the wildfire-damaged Mtatsminda plateau has begun. The company “m² Real Estate,” which is funding the aforementioned project, held a tree-planting session on the plateau.

The first stage of reforestation process of the wildfire-damaged Mtatsminda plateau has begun. The company “m² Real Estate,” which is funding the aforementioned project, held a tree-planting session on the plateau, which involved volunteers from the general population, as well as employees of various organisations.

In order to maximize the engagement of the volunteers, m² established the platform The website provides detailed information about the Mtatsminda plateau reforestation project (both past and future activities). The platform will also notify users about all the activities where volunteers can become involved.

Employees of the Mtatsminda Park Administration and the Georgian Social Workers’ Association, as well as ordinary citizens, have become involved in m²’s reforestation project.

The Mtatsminda plateau reforestation project, which was prepared by specialists from the National Botanical Garden of Tbilisi on behalf of m², aims to fully reforest a 26 000 m2 section of the plateau and create a biodiverse environment on the said area.